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Light the Way: A Day in Unschooling

After a long stretch of sunny and 65-degree days, the rain finally came. I was writing in our candlelit living room, and Watson came out with a small crate and a step stool.

"I'm making a lighthouse," He said as he laid out the materials and continued to describe the intricate details of his project.

I observed him and listened to what he wanted to do for a while. He wanted the lighthouse taller and to use one of the candles from the mantle to light the way. I suggested he use a small battery-operated camping lantern as a safer alternative. I found two more crates for him to stack.

I asked him if we should find a video on lighthouses for inspiration. We watched a few clips, but our favorite was about the Top 15 Dangerous Lighthouses!

With his creative energy renewed, I continued to ask few questions about where the lighthouse keeper would sleep and cook.

"Remember that lighthouse we visited in Door County? The keepers had a house with beds and furniture. Where do you think the lightkeeper should sleep?"

Before I knew it, the lighthouse had sleeping quarters and a living room couch, and the Mandalorian was watching out into the sea for boats.

I asked if he wanted to put toy boats in the ocean. He tried to find the tugboat and sailboat, but he never did find them.

This moment was an opportunity to share with him the importance of taking good care of his things. I reminded him that if he and his brother kept their room a little cleaner, he might be able to find his boats. I didn't nag and attempted to help him find his ships for a couple of minutes before returning to my writing.

Whenever I doubt unschooling, I'm surprised again and again. A boy who wanted to build a lighthouse went from art class to safety and stewardship. Where will we go tomorrow? I can't wait for him to light the way.

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Sue Bauer Frye
Sue Bauer Frye

Love it


Thanks Sue! ❤️

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