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Why I'm Saying Goodbye to Broken Systems and Homeschooling with an Old iPhone 6

Updated: May 12, 2023

Sometimes we desire something to work, but amid failure, the guilt of time or money invested helps us maintain our grip. Other times, it's external pressure from others, or we're stubborn. But knowing when a system or item is useless and being able to release it is a valuable skill to have.

If a routine or a physical object stops serving our family the way I'd initially hoped, it must go.


Clutter and unused items send momentum in the wrong direction when I need the energy to move forward. Wasted time shuffling unloved clutter is damaging to my mental health and a waste of precious time.

The same is true for homeschooling.

This year we started kindergarten for our oldest boy. I had bought a few books, some of which we went through entirely (3 math books!), and others were collecting dust. For some reason, the presence of books artfully showcased on the shelf made me feel like I was getting school done right. I also liked the idea of having something visual to show our friends and family what we use to teach our kids. After all, people constantly ask us what curriculum we use, and the books on the shelf made it easier to show curious friends and family with a quick photo snap.

Unfortunately, what I thought was right meant more stress for all of us. Watson became bored with math workbooks and worksheets in general. Pages that generally take 5 minutes took 30. Study time became a dreaded daily task, and I knew it was time to trash the old system.

That's precisely what we did.

The boys are currently learning math, spelling, and sentence building on the Lucas and Friends apps on an old iPhone 6. In the afternoons, Watson practices penmanship in a dry-erase workbook. They also enjoy watching the Magic School Bus and Number Blocks on Netflix, and I've been teaching the boys how to cook things from scratch.

It is enough for now.

Our home has been much more peaceful, and they look forward to playing educational games most of the time. As I write, the boys are working on constructing their hotel out of a massive box from a furniture delivery last week. Our latest weekend get-a-way at a Holiday Inn inspired Watson. The hotel is named the Washington Hotel, with a swimming pool and hot tub.

I'm so glad that I permitted myself to let go. Please do the same. Letting go doesn't even mean throwing something away, although it can. The books are still in the living room, but now I can walk by them, liberated from guilt about a system that no longer works. I'll probably box them up for now. When Wyatt is older, he can give them a try too.

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